Monday, November 4, 2013

Linguofolio Draft #1

NOVICE LOW: ListeningI can...
...understand some commonly used words and expressions, such as please and thank you.
 -Have a recording of me LISTENING to someone saying please and thank you. 

...understand names of objects in my immediate environment, such as words for familiar objects found in classrooms, offices, or homes

- Video of someone naming objects in my immediate enviroment

...understand the difference between a question and a statement.
-Record someone saying a statement and asking a question 

... follow a one-step instruction, especially when people use gestures.
 - Video of someone giving me a direction and me following it

...understand basic information, such as days of the week, months of the year, numbers, times, and dates.
-Link youtube of months of year, days of week, 1-10 in spanish

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