Friday, November 15, 2013

Blog: Inventos

Esto semanas, nosotros estamos buscar inventos. Porta-paraguas es que inventos yo elijo. Es para manos libres usar de el paraguas. Me gusta porta-paraguas porque... parece que es muy facil a usar. Me gustaria hacer un invento que es mut facil a usar pretend a esto porque es hacer gente vivas mejor.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Novice Low: Reading

NOVICE LOW: Reading 

I can...

...connect some characters or letters to their sounds.
Google+ Video
...connect some words, phrases, or characters to their meanings.

...recognize words, phrases, and characters with help from visuals.
Mi hablo en Espanol Classe Mi hablo en Espanol Clase
...I can follow along on the page when something familiar is read out loud.
-Get a video of me following along while someone is reading

Novice Mid: Writing

I can...

...fill out a simple form with some basic personal information.

...write about myself using learned phrases and memorized expressions. 

-Mi nombre es Storm Setola. Gusta a escribir. Yo disfrutar en conocimiento

...write lists that help me in my day-to-day life.

Novice Low: Listening

NOVICE LOW: Listening

I can...

...understand some commonly used words and expressions, such as please and thank you.
Por Favor

...understand names of objects in my immediate environment, such as words for familiar objects found in classrooms, offices, or homes

Optiones 4 (Create a wishlist of at least 10 items on Amazon Spain (

...understand the difference between a question and a statement.
-Es tu nombre Storm?- Pregunta

-Tu nombre es Storm. -declaraciĆ³n

... follow a one-step instruction, especially when people use gestures.


...understand basic information, such as days of the week, months of the year, numbers, times, and dates.



December- Diciembre

Linguofolio Draft #3

I can...

...fill out a simple form with some basic personal information.
-Find a form in spanish and screen shot it finished.

...write about myself using learned phrases and memorized expressions. 
-Write a paragraph about my hobbies

...write lists that help me in my day-to-day life.
-Make a to do list in spanish of homework that I need to complete.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Linguofolio Draft #1

NOVICE LOW: ListeningI can...
...understand some commonly used words and expressions, such as please and thank you.
 -Have a recording of me LISTENING to someone saying please and thank you. 

...understand names of objects in my immediate environment, such as words for familiar objects found in classrooms, offices, or homes

- Video of someone naming objects in my immediate enviroment

...understand the difference between a question and a statement.
-Record someone saying a statement and asking a question 

... follow a one-step instruction, especially when people use gestures.
 - Video of someone giving me a direction and me following it

...understand basic information, such as days of the week, months of the year, numbers, times, and dates.
-Link youtube of months of year, days of week, 1-10 in spanish

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lingofolio draft #2 (Novice Low Reading)

NOVICE LOW: Reading 

I can...

...connect some characters or letters to their sounds.
-Picture of cancion and me recording

...connect some words, phrases, or characters to their meanings.
-Vocabulary for cancion

...recognize words, phrases, and characters with help from visuals.
-Video of me reading a spanish book with pictures and saying what an important word is. 

...I can follow along on the page when something familiar is read out loud.
-Get a video of me following along while someone is reading